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HMI430/700: USB Driver

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HMI430/700: USB Driver

The HMI430/700 is a USB composite device meaning it supplies more than one interface on a single USB cable.  In the case of the HMI, it provides these 2 interfaces:

To allow the HMI430 to work on Windows Vista / 7 / 8.x / 10, download and install this driver:


Download HMI USB Driver

To Install

  1. Unzip the splat_serial_ptp.zip file
  2. Right click the splat_serial_ptp.inf file and choose "Install"
  3. Connect or re-connect your HMI430


Be aware Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8.x will all enumerate the file system without any driver.  Simply connect the HMI and it will appear in Windows Explorer.  However the serial port will not appear unless the driver file is installed.

The driver files have been signed with "SPLat Controls" so will install on Windows 7 / 8.x / 10.

Windows XP does not correctly support composite devices so sadly the HMI will not work with this operating system.