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Pulse0 tt [D= 5 to 15]

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Pulse0 tt [D= 5 to 15]

Deleted in dialects 16 and later. It has been replaced by fPulse0

This instruction allows you to generate very precisely timed output pulses on output 0. Pulse widths from 1mS to 65,025 (255x255) can be generated.

Pulse0 pops the value (0-255) off the stack, multiplies it by the operand value tt (0-255) and starts a timer that turns output 0 On for the resulting number (0-65,025) of milliseconds. A Pulse0 instruction with a calculated duration of 0 will terminate any existing output pulse.

If the Pulse0 instruction is timing the output state will be on irrespective of any Output, On or Off instructions. When the Pulse0 instruction is not timing, or has timed out, the output state will be whatever it would have been had the Pulse0 instruction never been executed. We say that the Pulse0 instruction is ORed with the other output instructions.

Dialect restriction: The Pulse0 instruction is not implemented in SPLat hardware with dialect numbers less than D=5 or greater than 15 or which have no dialect number on the chip label.